Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Early Christmas:)

So i decided i am a sucker, i couldn't wait till Christmas to give Abbey her present, for good reason.. we are going up to Heber/Wallsburg for Christmas and i didn't want to pack it up if she didn't really get it yet, but she loves it:) So it will be coming with us, but now that she has tried it it keeps her busy, and she loves getting close to the tree:) Its really fun to see her grow so much, she changes everyday! She is so close to crawling, she is getting better everyday! I just can't believe it! She turns 6 months old on the 2nd so we can't wait to see how much she weighs, i feel like she weighs a ton, but we weighed her over Thanksgiving and she was 19 lbs.. so i am curious what a month will do:) Anyway Merry Christmas! We will hopefully run into some of you over the break!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Abbey's New Talent

Thought this was too cute! Grandma Julie took it! Perfect timing! Now she sticks her tounge out at everyone!

Monday, December 8, 2008

I HATE TEETHING COOKIES, unfortunatly Abbey loves them!

Abbey loves these messy cookies! They keep her busy for at least a half hour until she wants to do something else! I love the focus in her eyes and hands though! We got this hat a long time ago i think it is so so so funny, and she loves loves hats, so we just put funny ones on her all day and let her hang out in winter hats:)

5 months old:)

I really can't believe it has been 5 months already, its nuts! Where has time gone, it seemed like just yesterday it was warm and sunny and Lane and I were just getting the last minute things that you think you need done before the baby comes but after she comes they really don't! We weighed her the other day she weighs 19 1/2 lbs, i can't believe it she really is starting to look a little more like me, her cheeks are starting to get chubbier maybe thats why, her face is rounding out! She is rolling over like crazy and actually starting to try and figure out how to crawl, she is moving all over the place, she has her leg part figured out she just has to get her arms and legs to work together, I know it will happen just all of the sudden! Anyways i snapped a few pictures of her today, in some of them you can kinda see her trying to move around! It really is crazy! We are excited for Christmas and can't believe it is actually almost here, so Merry Christmas, we hope everyone has a great one:)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Abbey & Jack:)

Here is Abbey's best friend! (Well dog friend at least, she loves him so much!) She also loves Jacks mom and dad, when she gets older will probably want to hang out with them more than us cause they have Jack and are much cooler than us! (By the way Jack's mom and dad are Ash and Kyle) We had an awesome thanksgiving, it was the last time we will have thanksgiving at my moms cafe and cabins cause they sold them, so it was sort of bittersweet! We had the greatest surprise was that my cousin Jesi's hubby is in the Army and was in Iraq for his 3rd tour, we just came home, and we didn't think they would make it cause they live in Kentucky, but they drove 2 days and made it to thanksgiving, he is pretty much like a big brother to me and i love him just like a brother! He hadn't met Abbey, and they want to have another baby, they have a boy Conner who is the cutest thing you've ever seen but he is almost 3 and they are ready for another! So it was so fun to see Daniel with Abbey! I have really missed him and am so glad that he is safe, until he goes again:( We are so proud of him! Here are some pictures from Thanksgiving! Both my cute pregnant sisters don't even look it and they are due in February, they just look like they have a basketball in their shirts, you would never be able to tell from behind they were pregnant, it is probably the only gene that all 3 of us are so thankful for:) Also a picture of us decorating our tree, Abbey is pulling the same face as me and we didn't even mean to its crazy that she does the same face as me! It kinda freaks me out she is really starting to look like me more and more!