So i decided i am a sucker, i couldn't wait till Christmas to give Abbey her present, for good reason.. we are going up to Heber/Wallsburg for Christmas and i didn't want to pack it up if she didn't really get it yet, but she loves it:) So it will be coming with us, but now that she has tried it it keeps her busy, and she loves getting close to the tree:) Its really fun to see her grow so much, she changes everyday! She is so close to crawling, she is getting better everyday! I just can't believe it! She turns 6 months old on the 2nd so we can't wait to see how much she weighs, i feel like she weighs a ton, but we weighed her over Thanksgiving and she was 19 lbs.. so i am curious what a month will do:) Anyway Merry Christmas! We will hopefully run into some of you over the break!
8 months ago