Abbey's First OREO:)

Abbey has found her new best friend.. yes just like her mom.. OREOS!
Why do they taste so good when they are SO bad!
We finally gave her her first Oreo when Uncle Cody came down, she wanted to party with all of us, so we thought she could snack with us!
She loves him, he knows just how to make her smile!
He came down for the weekend just to hang out with us cause we miss him so much!

Lane and him played some XBox 360 game that had Spider-Man and all these different comic book people.. they played for over 8 hours Saturday! I don't quite get it, but it was fun to see Cody having fun and Lane too.. and Abbey, she loves Cody, and he was so sweet with her, he was always kissing and loving on her.. No wonder she loves him!

We are all doing good.. we are getting our garden ready for the spring so we can plant as soon as the spring comes! We will have an awesome garden this year!
My mom and step dad are finally leasing their Cafe and Cabins in Marysvale, it is bitter sweet.. that place is a part of me, but i am so excited that my mom and ken will not be so stressed and have so much on their plates all the time! So we are excited that they are moving closer to us! I can't wait to have Grams and Gramps, I have really become close to my mom over this last year! I don't know what I will do without her, when I actually have to go grocery shopping alone! I am excited, as well as Abbey that we will be able to go for walks together, and work out in the garden and play in the sunshine.. I am also freakin excited to go to the pool with Ash and baby Will! Ah! Spring is coming! It has been almost 70 at our house for the last 2 weeks. (I am not going to mention the snow this weekend.. BOO! At least most of its melted!)