Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Monday, March 30, 2009

The Rest of Hoovers Pictures

Here are some more of the pictures from this weekend.. it is so strange that this Saturday we won't be working.. it is so exciting! I just want to say that i am so proud of my mom and Ken, they really have created something that is really a beautiful place.. i am so proud of them! They did what everyone told them they couldn't! I have seen them take care of so many people, anyone and everyone who has ever worked there can say that they really became part of "the family" I am so lucky that i have been able to be apart of this and watch it turn into an awesome place to be! I will really miss it, but am excited to see my mom and Ken have a "real" life!
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Sunday, March 29, 2009


My parents owned cabins and a resturant in Marysvale Canyon for about 10 years. When I was in high school, every summer i would go and live with her and help clean the cabins and run the place with them! Well it has gotten so busy, they really have made the place so awesome, they do all you can eat crab every Saturday night and it is so busy, on average the waitresses make about $140 in about a 5 hour period... it is awesome, they haven't had a saturday off for about 10 years now, and they were just running out of juice and want to be grandparents, so they sold the place, and this weekend was the last Hoorah! It was bittersweet! I truly found myself there, and that was something that i put my all into.. they really made me a part of it, and I so I know that this is the GREATEST decision they have made, it is still sad to see it leave!
Abbey and I are really going to miss going down and hanging out with everyone on Saturday night! We have made some awesome friends and I am so glad that she got to be a part of that place even though she won't remember it! There are people that I wait on that have seen me single, engaged, married, pregnant and now with baby and have watched Abbey go from 6 weeks to 9 months! Here are some fun pictures of our friends and the last weekend:)

Me and Abs outside the resturant!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Our Weekend with Cody

Abbey's First OREO:)

Abbey has found her new best friend.. yes just like her mom.. OREOS!
Why do they taste so good when they are SO bad!
We finally gave her her first Oreo when Uncle Cody came down, she wanted to party with all of us, so we thought she could snack with us!

She loves him, he knows just how to make her smile!
He came down for the weekend just to hang out with us cause we miss him so much!

Lane and him played some XBox 360 game that had Spider-Man and all these different comic book people.. they played for over 8 hours Saturday! I don't quite get it, but it was fun to see Cody having fun and Lane too.. and Abbey, she loves Cody, and he was so sweet with her, he was always kissing and loving on her.. No wonder she loves him!

We are all doing good.. we are getting our garden ready for the spring so we can plant as soon as the spring comes! We will have an awesome garden this year!

My mom and step dad are finally leasing their Cafe and Cabins in Marysvale, it is bitter sweet.. that place is a part of me, but i am so excited that my mom and ken will not be so stressed and have so much on their plates all the time! So we are excited that they are moving closer to us! I can't wait to have Grams and Gramps, I have really become close to my mom over this last year! I don't know what I will do without her, when I actually have to go grocery shopping alone! I am excited, as well as Abbey that we will be able to go for walks together, and work out in the garden and play in the sunshine.. I am also freakin excited to go to the pool with Ash and baby Will! Ah! Spring is coming! It has been almost 70 at our house for the last 2 weeks. (I am not going to mention the snow this weekend.. BOO! At least most of its melted!)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have taking alot of pictures of Abbey lately.. she is really getting so big, and curious. We have really big windows in the front of our house, and we live right next to a gas station, so i just sit her on her toy box, and she stares at the people and the cars that drive by! I love to try and capture these moments in her life.. mostly for me. I really just want to capture today!
I never want to forget what I am feeling for her today!
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Sunday, March 1, 2009

The BEST 8 Months of MY LIFE:)

Abbey is 8 months old and I was looking back on all of the pictures I have taken,
I really am starting to see her become a little girl, it seems like it has been so long since we were driving home from the hospital scared half to death that we would not know what to do with this little girl!
But so far she has survived with minor accidents (to her as well as us!)
I never thought that I could love like this! As she is discovering new things I find it so amazing to just sit and watch her teach herself new things!
She is figuring out how to work her body and it is truly amazing!
She is truly Lane is girl form! She is so serious, she loves to figure things out by herself!
She makes you work for her laughs!
You have to do the most embarressing things and then she will let out a little giggle!
I am so proud of her, and i know the next 8 months will be just as exciting and momentous as the first 8!
I am also so proud of Lane, he has really worked hard to make sure that we are taken care of! He works hard everyday so that I can stay home with "Miss Thing"
We love him so much and he is truly the glue that holds our family together!!
So here are my favorite pictures from the last 8 months!