Lane & I watched the Biggest Loser last night... it was so awesome, heart breaking the story of Abby! I look at my life and think if I lost Lane and Abbey I would be devistated and I don't know how I could find the strength to be go on and find peace and happiness let alone want to wake up! Lane kept saying how do you think she can still cry do you think one person can have enough tears after they lose their husband and 2 kids? It was really really sweet to watch it with Lane usually he is the one laughing at me cause I cry at everything especially that show dangit! But last night FINALLY i looked over at him and he had glossy eyes! Now i know he is human:) It truly makes me believe that I can be stronger! It makes me want to be a better mom and wife, and just really appreciate the wonderful life that I have and realize that we have everything that we need together and I am just really so so so blessed to have such a wonderful husband! Now if you haven't watched the Biggest Loser go to and watch last nights episode!
We made cookies yesterday with Keara and her kids, Ash, Will, Abbey, Me and my mom... by the end of the process it was just the sisters decorating all 1500 cookies it seemed like! Keara is leaving to Hawaii next Thursday, and I always knew how much i would miss her but i guess i didn't fully realize that it was going to be so much i layed awake last night just thinking about her and how much i will miss her! If someone would have told me 10 years ago how much my sisters would mean to me i would say ya right! I don't really have too many friends, I have my sisters, they are my best friends! And I will really miss seeing Keara! I will miss her kiddos and hubby but not like i will miss her! So i took some pictures yesterday so here they are!


After (note.. this was about 3 minutes difference)