It's Lane's birthday friday, and I have been thinking alot about how awesome he his! He is such a great husband!
We have been together for almost 7 years... can't really believe it!
I don't really know where I would be without him! We have been together for everything for each other, and it is so exciting to see where our lives are going!
When we were in high school, he always knew we were going to end up together, he would tell me all the time that we would be old together! (can you imagine a 17 year old saying this?)
I think about how great he is with Abbey, it makes me really excited to have more kids! We are really having such a great time right now! Abbey is getting to be such a big girl.. she is talking so much! She says ouchie wawa! She has learned how to do somersaults.. not so well at them, but she does them! Its just so true that you forget how little they were, i can't hardly remember being up with her at night! It seems like a dream!
I really just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lane, and let him know how much I love him and am so glad that he is stuck with me!