I got a IPod for Christmas cause my old one (that I have had for over 5 years) bit the dust.. I am loving the pictures I can take with it and now hardly ever bring my big one!! Abbey is now 31 months old! And this 2 and a half year old is so funny! She has got the funnest spirit, her imagination is so vivid, and she is the best pirate I know (we are having a small pirate obsession at our house) She is also into Karate don't know where they come from but she is karate chopping everyone and everything just ask any little kid who has been to our house the last 2 or 3 months! She has picked up a few things that are driving me crazy, she keeps telling me to "get out of my way" but all in all she is still just a sweet heart, i love that she will give me a kiss before she runs into her room to play and says see ya later mom! She is working on potty training.. I really thought it would come easy to her, but unfortunatly for me it isn't!

As for this little cutie!! We are having so much fun with her.. she is the sweetest little girl, and she is happy most of the time, until i tell someone she is always happy then she has a small freak out! She is definitally a schedule baby.. which is hard but its really nice when we are just home, and don't have a lot going on! She goes to bed about 7:15 (i know) and doesn't wake up till 4 am! We just started to give her rice cereal because i thought she was ready, and i was right, she loves it, she eats a ton, which helps her sleep longer at night i think! We just went in and got her shots for her 2 month appointment, and she was duh duh duh.. 18.8lbs (100%) and 25 inches (90%) We've got a big girl on our hands.. but her cheeks as you can see are oh so kissable.. our doctor said man shes got some thunder thighs, and i said shes got a thunder body! We are so in love with this sweet girl!! She loves being in her little jumper, loves laying on her tummy and is just starting to get the laughing thing down which is so fun for me:)