Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lane and Meg!

 We have been so busy this month! We have a huge apple tree in our back yard, last year we didn't have any apples on it but this year.. we have tons! My grandma Cowley came over for an afternoon and helped us make some apple jelly! I have never done it, and in my family Grandma's apple jelly is something to be fought over!! More than having a pantry full of apple sauce and apple jelly I am so grateful for my Grandma being so close and for playing such a big part in my children's lives these last couple years! I am so blessed to have her as more than just my grandma but one of my best friends!  My sweet Grandma didn't want to make our house hot, so we made jelly out on our grill! She has so much knowledge i just wish i had enough time to learn it all!!

 Lane is busy with work more now than ever i think! He has been working so hard to get an Assistant Manager postion at work and once again we are waiting to hear if this one comes through! We will see:)

Any extra time is spent "slaving" over my honey do list as he puts it:) We have finished a lot of our projects on our house and it makes me so happy:)
 I am so thankful for Laner.. he is my best friend.. the one i was made for! I know that sometimes its hard, and that things don't always go the way you want them to, but we will always have each other and that is more important than anything else in this world:)

 I am so grateful for the dad he is and for the great example of a man he is teaching our girls to find when they get older! He is a great leader of our family! He is always thinking of everyone but him, and lets be honest he is the only man in a house hold full of girls and that takes alot of patience!!
 I am glad he has stuck with me through everthing, and am so proud of our girls and the life we are creating!


Abbey starts Preschool this week, and I am feeling a little crazy about it, makes me a little bit sick actually! I know it will be good for her, just makes me a little queesy!  She is changing so fast and it makes me really realize that I won't have her home to hang out with all day for very much longer!

 This little girl has so much love for everyone and everything! She treats everyone like they are her best friend, and she radiates with the most fantastic light i have seen!
 Don't let her sweet looks fool you though! She has got attitude, and she is the boss.. she does what she wants and it has to be her idea or she won't do it:) That is real fun! We are working on it!!  Every morning we have a slight meltdown when she wakes up and wants to go to Disneyland and I say that we can't! I reassure her that we are going to go soon, but dang it she wants to go today (EVERYDAY)

 She has an adventerous spirit, and is always out exploring! She has quite the imagination and i am grateful for that and love helping her to expand it!
 She is love with her Dad, and I don't blame her.. he is pretty fantastic! He loves her so much and is having even more anxiety about her going to school than I am! He is having a hard time wrapping his brain around the fact that she won't be with me all day everyday! "who is going to take care of her like we do meg?" i hear this all the time!

We love her so much and are so glad she was our first:) She is the best thing in the world! She teaches us something new everyday, and keeps us on our toes! I can't believe how much love i have for her!

11 Months:)

I can't believe it is here already, I feel like Lucy being a little baby is so long ago!
And Abbey.. she is a totally different little woman.. I am having a little bit of anxiety about how big she is getting preschool Wednesday is making me a little freaked out! 
I hate that you can forget so many memories so fast!
It's crazy how dramatically things can change in a year!

Lucy is changing so fast, she started walking last month.. this month she is running:)
 We went to the zoo a couple weeks ago.. she just yelled the whole time.. she loved the animals, and was so excited she just yelled whenever one walked passed the window and happened to catch her eye!
 She loves Abbey maybe a little too much.. Abbey has a few bald spots:( and lucy gets ALL the blame for those! She has started giving kisses and sometimes you get a little nibble if you aren't careful and Abbey is not careful enough yet!
 She is a pretty good sleeper... she takes one nap now. She wasn't sleeping very good at night when she was taking 2 naps, so i tried to condense it into 1 nap and since then she sleeps all night pretty much!
 She is such a happy girl! she is always willing to flash a sweet smile at you and it makes me feel so grateful that she is in our family! I hope we can always help this little girl feel so happy!
 She eats anything we eat, and if we don't share with us she literally YELLS at us to give her the food! She loves blueberries and tomatoes just like Abbey does and I can't really think of anything we have given her that she doesn't like! We are pretty lucky with our good eaters:)

She has turned into a little girl and it really is exciting to see! I sinply adore this little girl and am excited to see what is to come for her:)