About a year ago, i bought a new camera and my sister Ashley asked if she could have my old one.. it is a way nice camera, i just wanted something smaller and not so fancy.. (that was before Abbey) Well after she asked, we both just kind of forgot about it, and about 2 weeks ago she washed and dryed her camera.. so she remembered.. i had just started to use it again because it took much better pictures of the babe! So i gave it to her and convinced Lane that we needed a new one.. so we were looking online for a good deal on a new camera, we found this website that had the camera that we like for like 300 dollars cheaper than we had found it anywhere else, and it came with a really nice lense, and all of these extra fun accesories.. so we thought that it was just going to be some scam, but being the tight wads we are we decided that if it was legit, we would have gotten a sweet deal.. IT WASN'T A SCARE! We got the nicest new camera for a way good deal, so if anyone is looking for a new camera http://www.photodynasty.com/ is a place to get a good deal.. So with our new camera, i took a bunch of pictures of Abbey.. I can't believe that it has almost been 3 months.. time has gone by so fast, i can only imagine how fast it is going to go by.. I have just really been enjoying being home and being with Abbey, I couldn't bring her to a babysitter right now. I am so blessed.. I have a great hubby who wants me to stay home and take care of her, and when he comes home he is so happy and wants to play with us! He works so hard to take care of us, and make it so i don't have to work! We are coming up to Park City, my sister Ash works at the Canyons, so we are all going up for a couple days to hang out and go to the Fruit Highway.. and then i am going to stay up there for the whole week because Ashley finds out if she is having a boy or girl! And it is her birthday and my brother Cody's then that Saturday Lane is going to come up and Kyndra is blessing Karlee!
8 months ago