We decided to finally bless Abbey this weekend, so we went up to Midway to do it. We went up friday to go to swiss days, it was so fun, both my sisters came up, and we had such a great time! So Elder Holland is in my parents ward, and i guess he is gone most of the time, but lucky for us, he was there, so our lucky little girl got to have him stand in the circle. How many little girls get one of the 12 apostles to hold their little foot? He told Lane that he said the perfect blessing, i couldn't agree more:)
8 months ago
Hey guys! Lane you did do great! :) ha ha when I saw Elder Holland going in the cirlce I was way excited for you guys! Thats so cool!
That is way exciting, thats something she can tell people when she is older!!! I hope things are going good..
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