Abbey had a great first Halloween! We went up to Wallsburg/Midway to celebrate, we stayed in Wallsburg Thursday night and had a great day, Collin and his girlfriend Kaylee we
re there and Landon and Christina were there, they were all so great at entertaining abbey, she acutally hardly took a nap that day, which made me happy that night! Landon gave her a bite of his chocolate popsicle for her "4 month birthday" she loved it, i thought it would upset her tummy, but then i realized who her father is and that he can eat anything that is edible! Friday, we went down to provo and got boba drinks, if you have never had them, they are so wonderful, there aren't very many places to get them i have only found 1 in provo, and 2 in salt lake, so if anyone knows anywhere to get them we would love to know! then we got all dressed up for halloween, lane told me he didn't want to dress up, so i didn't worry about getting us costumes, so last minute he decided he wanted to.. so i was the only one who didn't dress up, oh well next year huh? He was a banana!
Its crazy today Abbey is 4 months old, can't really believe how much she has learned, she is grabbing anything anyone puts in front of her, and she sticks it all in her mouth! She loves to roll from her back to her tummy! We haven't been to the doctor to get her shots yet, but we will wednesday, she is around 17-18 lbs. she's a chunk, but oh so cute! We love love her:) But how could you not love this face? She also has gotten tons more hair, i can put gel
in it and turn it into a mohawk! I do this really so that people will stop saying "Don't worry, my kid didn't have hair till she was 2" I want to hit them and tell them that she has hair!! I agree it is light it the front, but the back of it is dark dark brown, she actually has the mullet thing going on, but she has a poof on the top of her head!
She is way to cute! I am so sorry we didnt get to see you while you were here! Someone... my husband didnt tell me you guys were coming! Im so sad we missed you! But we will definitly get together next time you are up!
Your daughter is so adorable, im sad we are so far away from you guys, Kaitlyn would have so much fun playing together.
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