It has been so nice, since the Cafe has been sold, my mom lives right behind us, and we have been having so much fun! It is so nice to have her around everyday to play with us!
Whenever she is in the house Abbey wants to play with her!
It has been nice to have dinner every night with her and Ken!
Lane works a TON of nights 4 out of 7 so I wasn't really making dinner, just snacking, but i feel so much better just in one week!
I am so glad that they are here, and I think it will be the best summer yet!
Can't believe Abbey will be one in less than 3 months!
We are also just waiting for our loan to be ready our morgage guy said we should have it by the end of the month! Its so exciting, i am trying to pack ahead of time so that it won't be as disorganized as the last time we moved, but it is such a pain in the butt! I just don't have the motivation to pack all of our stuff in boxes to move 2 blocks..
Abbey in her cute spring outfit, we can't wait to play outside in the warm weather!
Also this weekend, we are going up north for Will I Am's Blessing! Can't wait to see the cute boy! We have missed him! Plus it will be lanes first weekend off in so long i can't remember the last time he had a weekend off! It will be so nice to see him for 2 whole days:)
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