The first day we were up there my sister Keara's little girl Ellie was over playing in the dirt just happy and having fun and then all the sudden she started crying.. apparently she wasn't playing in the dirt, at Yuba there were hundreds of HUGE red ant hills.. i have never seen so many in my entire life, but she was just sitting on a big huge ant hill! They crawled in her diaper and she got some bites on her little bum and the one that really made her cry was the one on her finger! She said that she was just trying to play with them! She is the nudist in our family she is naked more than she is clothed! 
Lane works for the Home Depot down here in Richfield, right now he is the Lumber Supervisor, but one of our Assistant Managers just got fired, so there is a postion open, with Home Depot in order to become an Assistant Manager, you have to take a test called a RMA.. so our store manager made a list of all the Department Supervisors that he wanted to take it and sent it off to his boss and his boss then decided who he would allow to go... Lane was the ONLY name that he approved! He is such a hard worker and really wants this, it is nice to see his hard work being recognized, so he will take the test in Cedar City next Tuesday, and then he can apply for the job and get an interview with our manager! I think that he has an AWESOME chance, really his only competition is someone from another store, and we aren't sure how many people are going to come clear down here! It would be a big raise and AWESOME benefits for us! So we are hoping that he will get it! He would be awesome at it! I am really proud of him! He really works so hard so that we can have such a great life, and I am a lucky little woman:)
Here are just a few pictures from our camping trip!
1 comment:
Abbey is so stinking cute! I just love her! Good luck Lane! We really hope you get the job! We seriosuly need to find a weekend to come down and hang out! :)
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