Miss Lucy May is here:) She was born October 6 weighing in at 8lbs 11oz and 21 inches long! It was a long day, but definatly ended in a great way! I was induced at 7 am and dialated pretty quickly, when it came time to push, she just wasn't coming.. so they tried the vaccum that didn't work, then they tried the forecepts, that didn't work so finally my dr said we were going to have to do a c-section!! It was not so fun, hurt much worse then when I had Abbey, and the meds they gave me didn't last the whole time, so as they were stitching me up i started to feel it! But at the end of the night we got a sweet little girl who is such a happy baby, and sleeps pretty good.. 4 hrs. at a time, I am a happy mommy!! Abbey seems to be adjusting pretty well, she loves her sister and thinks she is so cute!
8 months ago
Yay! She's here! She is so beautiful! I hope you are recovering well!
Congrats! She's a beautiful baby!
I keep seeing you and Lane's pics on FB, but I've been waiting to hear about it! I hope your feeling okay, and that all is going well!
yay! she is so cute and I'm so happy you are doing well!
Congrats!!! What a BEAUTIFUL little girl (the poor little bruises on her head break my heart tho). Good job Mommy!!
Yay! We love her! I cannot wait to see her and we bought her the cutest little outfit! :)
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