I am sure it is normal, but lately I have been feeling the reality of growing up!! It's funny how all the sudden you aren't a kid anymore!!
My life sort of revolves around these sweet little women, and making sure they are the best little people they can be, and being there for Laner when he is home! I feel like I was so distracted for a little while, with all of the social media in my life I felt l was loosing sight of what really is so important right now! So in an attempt to refocus my life I deactivated my Facebook account, and while part of me was sad cause my family and lanes family get to see what is going on with us and vice versa, i told myself it was what was best for me to focus on me and my family. And I decided that I will make a better effort to call and talk to our families and make those relationships stronger in real life not just in Facebook land:)
It helped to have my mom come up for a few days!! I love having her come visit, when we lived by each other we spent a lot of time together but it was everyday life stuff, now I get her up here and it is fun and we don't have to worry about work or anything, quality vs quantity!!
We went to the splash park and the local college has a dinosaur museum type thing so we did that, and we made pretzels and had a nice 2 days!!
Lane then had 2 days off in a row so he wanted to take the girls to the zoo and get away from the store so we left and spent the night in wallsburg and then went and hung out with Kyndra for the next afternoon!! I wish we lived closer so we could be around them all more!!
8 months ago
Wish I was there every weekend!!
Me too! Closer would be so fun. But totally with ya, let's work on the relationships in the here and now! Love you guys!!!
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