Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas:) Hope everyone has a great holiday!

We will be enjoying ours with these cute girls:)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Christmas Season

I can't believe how much Abbey has changed in the last 3 months, she has become such a good sister, and really a funny girl! She has been watching Kung Fu Panda, and now thinks she is a ninja.. watch out cause if you see her she might karate chop you while saying hiya! She is either a ninja or chasing you around the house saying "I'll get you, you dirty pirate" Where she came from I am not quite sure, but this little girl likes to play with the boys! She is so sweet and lovey though too.. every night i get big hugs and kisses and she tells me she "loves me sooo much"
These are just some pictures i have taken this month!

Pete Severinsen and Zoo Lights

My sweet sister Ashley had her 2nd little boy Peter Severinsen!! He is such a cutie and he was a big boy weighing in at 8lbs 15oz!! Her and her babe are doing good!!

We went to Zoo Lights while the same day we went and saw Pete, I was holding Lucy while my brother was taking pictures thats why there is not very many!! Most of them were retarded.. thanks to my teenage brother!!
He was a great help in keeping track of Abbey cause the zoo was jam packed with people! It was fun though!

A Beautiful Blessing

We blessed Lucy the weekend after Thanksgiving, it was such a great day, the weather was so perfect, and we had alot of our familys come, and it was such a good day:) The men who stood in the circle were Laner, Landon, Ron (Lane's Dad), My Dad, and my Grandpa Cowley (which was so special to me!)