Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Saturday, January 24, 2009


This is just kinda a fun idea:) Why not huh? Lane and I both did it so everytime he gets points I do to, so we get double points! Sound good, why not do it huh?

Quoting from her site,"I don't know about you, but I do a lot of searching online. If I need to find the answer to just about anything, Google is my best friend.So when Lavonne told me about Swagbucks--an online search engine that rewards you for searching online--I was all ears. Especially when she told me she had earned enough in Swagbucks in the last four months to receive hundreds of dollars in gift cards.I did some investigation and learned that Swagbucks is very simple to sign up for. In fact, it takes all of about one minute. There are no fees, no credit card required, and no phone number or address requested.After that, you are credited 3 points to your account and then download the toolbar and every day as you're searching online, you earn a few more points. After only 45 points earned, you can get a free Amazon gift card. Or at 50 points, you can get a Starbucks gift card. There are dozens of other prizes, too.Now, you might be thinking, "What's the big deal if I only earn a $5 gift card every month?" Well, you're right, $5 isn't that exciting. It's something, but that's only the beginning. You see, your earnings will exponentially multiply when you refer others.Do you know anyone else who searches online? I thought so. Well, tell them about Swagbucks, send them your referral link, and you'll not only instantly earn more points when they sign up, you'll also earn points for the searching they do online.For those of you who have blogs, you'll especially want to jump on board with this. It's free, it won't take much of your time to do, and it could generate a nice stream of gift cards in your mailbox.I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty sweet to me! So what are you waiting for? Go click on my link at the bottom of this post and I'll get credit for it too!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Laner's Birthday Suit:)

So we have a great new tradition in our family, I found this flower hat at Ikea and it has now become our Birthday hat! I made lane wear it all day, it is so funny! We put the glasses on him and the hat on Abbey, I am pretty sure lane thinks i am retarded, but i can't stop laughing everytime I look at him!He scared Abbey:)

Lane and My Grandpa made this toy box for Abbey for Christmas, and we finally got it in our house, i took some pictures of her in it, she thinks its to fun! Lane did a good job! We are so lucky to have my Grandpa and Grandma so close to help us with such great projects:)

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

She's Just Trying To Help?

What more can I say? We were making Lane's Birthday cake, and like any kid i let her lick the mixer:) I couldn't help myself!

I just love her, she is getting to be so much fun! Mom you should be proud!

Monday, January 19, 2009

250 DVD's & Our Little Beef Jerky Girl

For Lane's birthday this year, his mom and dad gave us a cd case to put all our dvds in cause it is such a pain in the butt to store the cases, we put them all away today, and counted our dvds.. thats right 250! I can't believe we have that many! We are pretty proud of our collection, here are some of the cases, we were trying to get abbey make them tip over but she wouldn't!
Yes she was sitting on there by herself, for about 5 seconds!

We also heard from someone to give her beef jerky to help her teeth, so we tried it one day, she loved the jerky, and still no teeth!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Look At Those Lashes:)

I have to say the one thing that Abbey got from me are my eyes, she has the bluest eyes you have ever seen, and those lashes, they are miles long and curl like none i have seen! I know i am biased, but i love to brag! Just love to show off the babe:)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 6 months Miss Abbey:)

I can't believe it she is half a year old! Its crazy how time flies, i can remember just yesterday i was prego and everyone at work was taking bets of when she would be born! It is wild! We went and got shots today, so glad she doesn't have to do them for 6 more months! They are awful! She weighed in at 19 lbs 12 oz. she is 27 inches tall, and her head circumference is 17 1/2! her length is in the 70th percentile while her weight and head circumference is in the 90th! Shes definitally got her dad's head:) She is really starting to get around, she is almost crawling, she is so close, she can get around it just takes her a while, she loves her walker and follows me all around the house its actually really funny! We definitally fall in love with her even more as each day passes! We are excited that the holidays are over honestly, love love them, but are glad things are getting back to normal! We took some new pictures of Abbey, hope you don't get sick of them, thats all we do now! Here they are! Thanks to the Norths and Stevie and Pat for her cute little outfit:) we had to put her in them, i am not sure if they will fit when its warm outside again, so we had to put them on her! Shes getting more hair and its coming in brown, i think she will have darker hair! But who knows!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Merry Christmas & A Happy New 2009

We have had such a crazy Christmas this year, Abbey played on the horse and train at lanes families house. Woke up to 12" of snow Christmas morning in midway, drove to Wallsburg in it and spent the rest of the day there. Sunday started our 3rd Christmas in Salt lake at the Marriott, where Abbey took her first swim in the pool and got in the hot tub.