Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter

We decorated easter eggs a little early this year, we have to use the days lane has off wisely, cause he doesn't get very many:) Abbey and Lane had a blast, we had these really cool q-tip type things that had dye in them, and Abbey used them it was nice to not have a huge mess to clean up, i could only imagine what would have happened had we had cups full of dye.. this worked good for us till she is a little older, she loves to color so it was no surprise that she loved coloring on the eggs!

Then we went to a local easter egg hunt, and it was really lame, we were lucky to get one egg.. there were too many kids and not enough eggs! But we were lucky to get an egg, we saw alot of little kids crying cause they didn't get any!! We are excited for the easter bunny to come and hide eggs in our back yard! I think it is really fun being the easter bunny and seeing how excited she gets! I can't wait till she really understands it all, she is definitally getting there!  
In other news... we are getting excited for Hawaii next month! We can't wait to see Keara and her family! And spend some time on the beach and just have really good family time! Lane really deserves this trip, he works his butt off and alot of the time it goes unnoticed! He can hardly wait to go deep sea fishing! Truly I would be so happy to just sit at the beach and go get Matusmotos every day! Ah.. i can't wait!

We are in our second trimester now:) YEAH! Maybe just maybe I will start feeling better, I was sick with Abbey, but this is a totally different sick and I now question why I was so jealous of other pregnant women, maybe once I start to look more pregnant not just heafty (although i lost 6lbs last month) I feel huge, and actually getting bigger gets me excited! It will be a long summer! We hope everyone has a really fantastic Easter Sunday!

1 comment:

The Burns said...

Oh my gosh that picture of Abbey is so cute! I swear she gets bigger everytime you post!