Live the Life You Love... Love the Life You Live! Bob Marley


Monday, April 11, 2011

6 months:)

Seems like we have been so busy doing a whole lot of nothing.. it has been so nice having some warm weather! We got a new swing set, and it seems like we have been outside playing on it everyday since!!! Lane interviewed for a Assistant Manager postion in Salt Lake, but didn't get the job, he is interviewing for another job in... ROCK SPRINGS WY sometime this coming week, should be interesting to see what happens in our little lives, they could change in a huge way, or stay the same!! Either way we are excited for the summer and to be outside!!

Little Lucy turned 6 months, its just wild really! Can't believe it!! She is so fun and the best part is that she is sleeping through the night! She wakes up at 7:30 which i hate, but just glad she sleeps through the night! Here are some cute pictures of her:) She is eating everything and anything she can get her hands on which kinda freaks me out.. but Abbey was like that too.. she was eating whole grapes before she was one, and it seems like Lucy is working on the same thing.. she got her ears pierced this month, got really sick and is now a happy little girl and I am glad so see her happy smiling face every morning!!

Abbey has been working on being potty trained, we have been trying for a long time, but she just was not ready, and she seems to be getting it a little better lately, minus today when she peed on the chair, and then looked at me and said "get outta my way mom i gotta go potty" to which i just laughed out of pure frustration and thought a little late huh? She keeps me on my toes to say the least, but at the perfect moment when i am just about ready to sell her she says something really sweet!! Saying that she loves to be outside would be an understatement, she could live out there if i would let her! She has such an imagination.. our tulips are beanstalks to Abbey!! She loves finding bugs and exploring nature!! I absolutly love watching her figure life out! Its fun!!


Sandy Castles said...

What is she holding?

ash said...

1. um...pretty sure abbey was eating whole grapes before she was 6 months old.
2. is 7:30 a.m. too early or too late for you?
3. please don't sell abbey. you should threaten it though...that's just hilarious.
4. i miss you
5. i love you all.
6. i'll call you